LEt's deep dive



A content subscription is a crucial puzzle piece for content teams and marketing departments for a scalable and cost-effective content workflows for digital marketing.

When it comes to content production, maintaining a consistent brand voice and message across multiple channels while scaling output through a cost-effective solution to meet growing demands is an ongoing challenge.

There are two (2) ways content teams and marketing departments solve this: they either DIY (do-it-yourself) or build a team in-house.

However alluring both seem to be, the problems remain the same:

1. These solutions do not address SCALABILITY and COST-EFFECTIVENESS. Usually, there is ONE PERSON who becomes a bottleneck for both approaches. With this comes the piling up of backlogs and longer turnaround time for content requests. Hiring in-house and scaling up a team to address production of content that remains specialized (e.g. SEO articles, email newsletters, press releases, etc) would end up being costly for an enterprise that see marketing as a cost-center.

2. These solutions are not EFFICIENT to MANAGE BRAND VOICE . For every content produced, creating content that is on-brand and on-point remains to be a challenge when "multiple cooks" are in the kitchen. And again comes to having one person as a bottleneck to ensure the quality and alignment of content being produced.

So what's a marketing team to do?

The Problems and Pitfalls of Traditional Approaches

Many turn to traditional solutions for help -– agencies and freelancers. However, these solutions come with their own set of problems.

❌ High Costs
Agencies can be expensive and often require long-term contracts. Six to twelve months may not even be enough to capture a brand's persona despite briefs.

❌ Inconsistency
Freelancers may not always be available, leading to inconsistent content production. These freelancers are juggling several projects and are not invested enough in your branding.

❌ Quality Control
Ensuring the quality and brand alignment of the content can be difficult with multiple freelancers or agency rotations. The research and understanding of a brand even requires knowledge of the company's mission and vision, the brand's values, the product's roadmap and other nuances to be able to write good content.

Image Prompt: detailed sketch of a headache with a cross-section of the brain to represent a marketing manager's headaches due to content operations and workflow

The Better Approach:
Content Subscriptions

A content subscription is a service that provides content creation from a dedicated team of pre-vetted experts for a flat monthly fee.

Think of it as your all-access pass to on-demand, high-quality content without the headaches. No more scrambling for last-minute freelancer availability or stressing over bloated agency budgets.

Brand Consistency

Your content is produced by a committed team that learns your brand voice and guidelines.


Need 5 blog posts this month? 10 next month? No problem - your dedicated team can flex up or down.

Predictable Costs

One flat, predictable subscription price - no surprise fees or operating costs.

Get Unlimited Content Subscription with DashoContent! We've taken the content subscription model and supercharged it with AI technology and a highly-vetted creative workforce.

Unlimited Content Creation

Blog posts, videos, graphics, web copy, and more! No limits on word counts, file counts, rounds of revisions.


In-house reviews, SEO optimization, brand compliance.


Skilled teams across 25+ content marketing disciplines with 800+ pre-vetted expert creatives.



Subscription models are the future for countless industries, and content creation is no exception. Marketers can now escape the chaos of fragmented, project-based content services through unlimited, on-demand access.

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