ROADSHOW for AI in Business and Marketing:

dashcon 2023:
Navigating Business & Marketing
in the AI Era

October and November 2023 - Manila, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo

Our tickets sold fast last year so don’t miss this opportunity!
Tickets start at P3000 (walk-in rate)


About the Event

dashcon 2023 | Digital Marketing Roadshow is a premier roadshow event series designed to be an interactive "knowledge exchange" that converges AI sophistication with human insight in digital marketing and business growth.

This is a series of community-driven events in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and the theme: "I’M NOT A ROBOT" serves to highlight the synergy between human creativity and AI capabilities.Across pivotal locations in the Philippines, we're on a mission to unveil the dynamic dance between AI and human innovation, a duo set to reshape the landscape of digital marketing and business strategies.

Who's Invited?

Inviting business leaders, startup founders, marketing experts, and tech-savvy professionals who want to learn. Our event is for anyone looking to better understand how to use AI and human skills in marketing and business leadership.

Last year our tickets sold fast so don’t miss this opportunity. Reserve your seat now!

What to Expect?

"I'M NOT A ROBOT" is our rallying cry, resonating with the unique qualities that define humanity in the digital realm – qualities even the most advanced AI can't replicate.

Discover how AI can be a powerful tool for MSMEs and marketing professionals, providing insights and automations while human creativity weaves these into relatable narratives and actionable strategies.

This is your chance to grasp how the balance of digital tools and human insight can unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation.

The Experience

At dashcon 2023, expect a holistic experience that spans inspiring talks, purposeful networking, and a deep dive into both AI capabilities and human expertise.

From cultivating customer loyalty to scaling sales, optimizing leads, and elevating engagement, dashcon 2023 will arm you with the knowledge to master marketing maneuvers.

Immerse yourself in industry-specific revelations, seize opportunities, and expand your network. Sessions will spotlight not just AI but also the irreplaceable value of human creativity in areas like brand storytelling, customer engagement, and more

Event Speakers

Sponsors and Partners

Media Partners